Here are some frugal finds I came upon, that are wonderful!
Baby Half Off - they have daily deals on different babies/kids/parents things that are ALWAYS 50% off.Sometimes more
Mama Bargains - Not only do they have daily deals, sometimes they have multiple deals a day. So you have to be quick. I recommend adding them on Facebook SO you can keep up with all the deals. They have high end baby/ kids/ parents items at 80% off
Bundles and Buzz- While this doesn't have constant deals, they do have a twice a month deal that is amazing! This company stocks "bundles" twice a month. One cloth bundle and one original bundles. The Cloth bundle is for cloth diapering parents or parents who want to start cloth diapering and are prices at $35. The original bundle is $30.The bundles contain samples,gift certificates and full sized items that, if sold in stores, would cost around $100 or more. Youh ave to be wuick though. They sell out within minutes after stocking
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Monkey Legs GIVEAWAY!
While perusing the scopes of Facebooks WAHMs I came across this GREAT retailer called Button Scraps. She's Sells blankets,leg warmers,reusable wipes, XXXL swaddler blankets, Hair clip holders and soother clips , amongst other things. Everything is handmade and unique. She has fabrics you can choose from and everything has exceptionally priced. The thing that I love most about it, above all, is the customer service. Desiree , the owner and maker, stays in contact with you throughout the sales. Despite being pregnant and having two other kids on her hands , she makes sure she keeps up with you. She even remembered a slight health problem my daughter had that I had mentioned to her during an order, over a week later. All in all, it's a wonderful business, reasonably priced, with customer service that goes above and beyond the call of duty.So, what's the giveaway?? It's a great pair of St.Patrick Day inspired Leg warmers! Sorry For the crappy pictures, I'm tired and DD is being fussy so they were taken in a hurry. NOTE; if I only get a few followers or entries, I won't be able to do the giveaway OR winner will have to pay for shipping. So invite all your friends to enter too ! :)
Rules to Enter : please make sure to leave seperate comments for each entry you complete along with your e-mail address.
MANDATORY: you must become a public follower of my blog and "like" Button Scraps on Facebook
For extra entries

Rules to Enter : please make sure to leave seperate comments for each entry you complete along with your e-mail address.
MANDATORY: you must become a public follower of my blog and "like" Button Scraps on Facebook
For extra entries
- For extra entries; tell me what your favorite product on her site is (1 extra entry)
- For extra entries;Comment on any of my past blog posts (1 extra entry)
- For extra entries; Facebook about this Giveaway (with link to my blog) (2 extra entries)
The Giveaway will end on March 5th at midnight EST. The winner will have 24 hours to respond or I will pick another one. Winner will be chosen VIA Good luck everyone!
If you're outside the US , $2 shipping charge may apply . I ordered these for DD and upon opening realized they were FAR too big. I was not compensated for this post, nor did I recieve the item for free. They have never been worn or used :)
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Baby legs!
Whenever I tell my friends I just ordered DD Baby Legs I'm met with a crazy stare followed by " um, WHAT?!" Well, Of course I'm not ordering actual human baby legs off the internet. Baby Legs is a brand of newborn-toddler socks and leg warmers. When I first heard of them I honestly thought it sounded ridiculous. Why would a baby need leg warmers?? Who even wears leg warmers anymore, Right? Wrong. after a few diaper changes and having to pull tiny pants on and off and on and off and then doing it over again just to check to see if she needed a change, I realized I HAD to have some of these leg warmers. They cover her entire legs and look like pants. The only difference being that I'm not in a constant battle with kicking legs, getting them on and off throughout the day. They come in tons of different styles and are constantly having sales. Right now they have the "Daily Deal" Everyday one of there baby legs will be 50% off. I just bought the Jolly Jill set! You wash them the same as the rest of baby clothes and one size fits most. You can check them out on facebook here and browse/purchase leg warmers or socks here.They're made out of cotton and super soft. They're especially wonderful when the little ones start crawling. Baby Legs will protect their sensitive knee caps from carpet burn and irritation.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Current Freebies and coupons!
;m going to make a different section for all the freebies and coupons I find, but for now, this should do
- Costco is giving out FREE samples of Kirkland Signature Diapers, You don't need a membership to order one. Click here to request yours
- Send free Quaker oatmeal squares to your friends! click here to partcipate
- Paciplushies half off code . Enter PACI at checkout. go here
- HOT DEAL!!! Picaboo is offering a free 8-1/2 x 11 hardcover photo book valued at $39.95. You do have to pay for shipping which is $8.99 but this is a $40 book that will be a treasured book for years to come. You can even specify you want a leather-bound book and it is still free.Enter code AFFLGB at checkout.You have to download their software to create your book on your computer and then you can order through the software. This coupon is for new customers only. thanks sweeties freebies!
- I just received this in me e-mail:
Celebrate all your favorite photos of the year with an outstanding offer on prints. This weekend only, get 1 - 8" x 10" print and 75 - 4" x 6" prints for just $5! Use code BESTPICS at checkout by March 1
A story and some deals
DD was up almost ALL last night. She only slept for...two hours? She's also been having some ,to put it not so elagantly , pooping issues. So I've been having to give her apple juice diluted with water. Well, I gave her a little more than usual last night,because she was struggling, and boy oh boy did it work. So, here I am, bleary eyed, grumpy, and delusional from lack of sleep and I'm just about to lay my head down on the pillow when I hear a monstrous sound coming from DDs bassinet. I thought " that could not possibly have been my sweet,tiny,two month old child". When I saw the satisfied look on her face , I knew it was. Needless to say, she got "relief" and I couldn't find the light remote for the ceiling light and ended up with poop all over my hands. I'm sure that's what everyone wants to hear about , right? Me getting covered in baby poop. hah
In other new, I received my paciplushie today ( that I bought) and I will review it after a few more days of thorough use. For now, I would like everone to enjoy the awesome deal paciplushies has going on! Go to their site pick your favorite plushie and enter the coupon code PACI at checkout. it'll give 50% off your purchase reducing them to around $7. A great deal
In other new, I received my paciplushie today ( that I bought) and I will review it after a few more days of thorough use. For now, I would like everone to enjoy the awesome deal paciplushies has going on! Go to their site pick your favorite plushie and enter the coupon code PACI at checkout. it'll give 50% off your purchase reducing them to around $7. A great deal
I will try to get some giveaways going as soon as I get my followers number up! Hopefully, you all won't have to wait too much longer. But for right now there's a great giveaway going on over Steals,Deals and Heels! enter to win yourself a Wubbanub! Hurry though, todays the last day to enter.They also have an awesome giveaway for a Zooper stroller! check it out and enter HERE
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Wubbanubb review
Recently DD had to be taken to the hospital for a possible UTI. Anyone whose had to take there child to the hospital or even to get shots know how horrific and sad it is for the parents and child. They took her for "tests" and I could hear her baby screams all the way down the hall. It took everything in me not to bust open that door and grab her away from them. After the tests were done I felt so bad for her that I went to the gift shop in search of something to comfort my nearly two month old. Hidden amongst the teddy bears, I found Cutsie the Caterpillar! a wubbanubb by Mary Meyer.
The Wubbanub was designed to keep the soothie in the childs mouth.Unfortunately I think Cutsie doesn't have the width to allow my child to keep it in her mouth. The Caterpillar is too skinny for her to grab on to it and be comforted. She gets frustrated trying to grab it and it falls out. I think If I had gotten Red dog or the cat , it would have been much better suited for her.The gift shop only had Cutsie the Caterpillar though and at the moment, I don't have the funds to try out the larger Wubbanubs. Cutsie is an adorable Wubbanub and DD really does love it, it just doesn't live up to the other reviews I've heard. I will add though, that all the great reviews I've heard have been about the larger Wubbanubbs and not my Mary Meyer one. Hopefully I'll be able to get a larger one to try and let you all know how it goes.
You can buy a Wubbanubb here and check out there Facebook page here. They're constantly having giveaways on there facebook, so I recommend check them out and giving them a '"like".
- Wash by hand , with mild soap, then brush to get the plush feeling back
- Cost approx. $13.99
- Distributed around most hospitals and NICUS
*update: The great staff at Wubbanub has been so kind as to send me an original Wubbanub for DD to try out.I'll be sure to review it for you guys ASAP
It's more than just a luxury for parents. DD is about to be two months so she's been sleeping almost through the night lately. The only thing that would wake her up would be losing her binky. Not a problem with the Nuk genius, right? Well, too bad mommy lost. Yes, MOMMY lost it. Not baby, not daddy, not grandparents but mommy and the room has swallowed it whole. I searched for it frantically with no luck. So I was up every two minutes popping her regular binky into her mouth. Even the Wubbanub wouldn't suffice. Any other mommies have problems like this? Any solution for the binky falling out problem?
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
The Moby Wrap
I have been anticipating the arrival of my Moby Wrap since before I even ordered it. Well people, The day has arrived! My Moby Wrap was awaiting me outside the front door bright and early this morning. I tore into that amazon box like a kid at Christmas , fully prepared to have DD in it with seconds of opening it. Little did I know, The Moby Wrap is a bit more complicated than that. It starts out looking like an extra long scarf. Once you pull the scarf looking thing out, you realize it "opens" for more fabric . I was utterly confused at first until I saw the little instruction booklet that came with it. At first, it was INCREDIBLY frustrating. I couldn't figure out how to wrap it or how to get DD into it. Luckily that only lasted five minutes and soon DD was snug as a bug wrapped against my chest (see pictures below). DD fell asleep almost as soon as she was wrapped in. Now, anyone who knows me, knows that DD is a VERY picky sleeper. Meaning, she will only sleep in someones arms. She absolutely, vehemently protests her swing, bassinet, crib, bouncer and any other contraption that isn't human arms, to sleep in. We have another baby carrier. One that straps in the back, almost like a front facing backpack. DD HATES it and so do I. I was large chested before I got pregnant so now they;re even bigger and the other carrier has her head butting my sensitive "hug cushions" ( as my sister calls them). The other carrier also limits what I'm able to do. I can't lean over to pick something up an I can barely walk with her in it without it sloshing her around in there. The Moby wrap has solved ALL those problems. So, it was a god send.Not only is The Moby Wrap a miracle worker on my child but boy is it comfortable. It's made out of super soft cotton and can fit ANYONE. With other carriers I had to put a blanket behind her to get her to fit in it properly, my back would ache from improper distribution of her weight and the rough material would rub against her sensitive leg skin. NONE of that is a problem with the Moby. DD fits snugly in it, it's comfortable for both of us, it's sturdy and has several different options for ways of wearing it. visit them at their Facebook or their website.
Warning though, if you're very impatient and don't have a patient significant other or someone else to help you in the beginning,you could get very frustrated. I'm VERY impatient and was cursing up a storm trying to figure it out, at first. Thankfully the hubby is very calm and was able to help me and now It's smooth sailing. I highly recommend this for mommies and daddies!
Warning though, if you're very impatient and don't have a patient significant other or someone else to help you in the beginning,you could get very frustrated. I'm VERY impatient and was cursing up a storm trying to figure it out, at first. Thankfully the hubby is very calm and was able to help me and now It's smooth sailing. I highly recommend this for mommies and daddies!
- Priced around $39 .
- Holds up to 35lbs
- One size fits all
- made out of 100% cotton
- machine washable
Disclosure Policy
This policy is valid from 23 February 2011
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog does not accept any form of cash advertising, sponsorship, or paid topic insertions. However, we will and do accept and keep free products, services, travel, event tickets, and other forms of compensation from companies and organizations.
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This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog does not accept any form of cash advertising, sponsorship, or paid topic insertions. However, we will and do accept and keep free products, services, travel, event tickets, and other forms of compensation from companies and organizations.
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Mother of a Sale GIVEAWAY!!!!!!
Mother of a sale is having an AMAZING giveaway! for any of you cloth diapering parents, or anyone who wants to try cloth diapering,head on over to Mother of Sales FB page by clicking here. You get entered to win a $250 cloth diapering set. It's a fantastic Giveaway and definitely worth entering. Not only will you be entered to win this spectacular prize, by liking them on Facebook you'll be privy to their awesome deals and bargains. They're constantly updating their Facebook with the new sales and bargains there site has. You can get Name brand, high end products for up to 80% off. But,you have to be quick because those bargains go fast. They also offer flat rate shipping of $10, you can't beat that!
To enter simply "like" Mother of a Sale on Facebook and post on their wall and/or status saying "
“MOAS I want to win the $250 cloth diaper set”
What are you waiting for??
To enter simply "like" Mother of a Sale on Facebook and post on their wall and/or status saying "
“MOAS I want to win the $250 cloth diaper set”
What are you waiting for??
First Review: Nuk Genius
I had another blog , but somehow I got locked out of it. So, I created this new one, which I will dedicate to reviews and daily baby issues. Read my side bar to learn more info about me!
One of my first reviews is going to be the Gerber NUK genius orthodontic pacifier. My Daughter will be two months next week and so far this is the ONLY pacifier she can keep in her mouth without me having to get up constantly to pop it back in. Not only does it stay in , it fits perfectly to her face. I breastfeed and once she finishes , I usually try to give her a pacifier to help her fall asleep.Normally, she spits the pacifier out and fusses until I hold it in her mouth for awhile. Not with the NUK! She takes it immediately. No fussing, crying or flying pacifiers. A Nuk Genius will set you back about $4.99 but are worth every penny. They're said to be a "grow with you" pacifier, so baby can keep this pacifier as the months go by. It helps promote proper oral development and reduces the amount of pressure on the jaw and teeth to keep baby comfortable.
I HIGHLY recommend the NUK genius. Right now, Babies 'R' Us is having a sale ; buy one , get on half off! jump on it mommies and daddies
One of my first reviews is going to be the Gerber NUK genius orthodontic pacifier. My Daughter will be two months next week and so far this is the ONLY pacifier she can keep in her mouth without me having to get up constantly to pop it back in. Not only does it stay in , it fits perfectly to her face. I breastfeed and once she finishes , I usually try to give her a pacifier to help her fall asleep.Normally, she spits the pacifier out and fusses until I hold it in her mouth for awhile. Not with the NUK! She takes it immediately. No fussing, crying or flying pacifiers. A Nuk Genius will set you back about $4.99 but are worth every penny. They're said to be a "grow with you" pacifier, so baby can keep this pacifier as the months go by. It helps promote proper oral development and reduces the amount of pressure on the jaw and teeth to keep baby comfortable.
I HIGHLY recommend the NUK genius. Right now, Babies 'R' Us is having a sale ; buy one , get on half off! jump on it mommies and daddies
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