Sorry it's been so long for a review. I feel like everytime I get on here something goes wrong with DD. I've been updating my facebook with TONS of deals and giveaways so make sure to check it out

On to the review. Many of you may or may not have heard of paci plushies. There a plush animal that holds a pacifier making it easier for your little one to keep there binky in without you having to keep putting it back in.They're similar to Wubbanubs with a few differences. One of the differences is the plush. While Wubbanubs are more pliable and bendable, PaciPlushies are more like actualy stuffed animals. More soft to touch but not as flexible . The wubbanubs feature beads in the arms of there products making them more attractive to the younglins. One thing REALLY great about the Paciplushies are their ability to interchange binkys. WIth the Wubbanubb, You have to havea kid who likes the soothie or it's useless. The Paciplushie,on the other hand, is interchangeable. It can accomodate pretty much any binky. It even has a soothie attachment! Excuse my DDs nakedness :O
As you can see she's got a nuk attached to it. The paci taht comes attached to it was WAYYY to big for her.
One of the downsides is that any other binky that I put into that's not the one it came with seems to pop out of it, making it hard for DD to keep in her mouth. I['m not sure If I got a defective one or if they are like this, though.
While DD is still partial to her Wubbanub, these are great for the kid who is over the Soothies but not over the binky. Check them out
Here. Make sure to use the code PACI at check out to get 50% off!!
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